Damien Rivet, Post-doc (INRIA UCA), 2022-07 — 2023-06.
Paulo Bruno Serafim, Research Engineer (INRIA UCA), 2022-04 — 2022-09.
Emilio Cruciani, Post-doc (I3S), 2019-11 — 2020-10.
Pierre Pereira (UCA), thesis director, 2024-10 - 2027-09 (expected).
Niccolò D'Archivio (UCA), thesis director, 2024-04 — 2027-03 (expected).
Davide Ferre (UCA), thesis co-director, 2024-01 — 2026-12 (expected).
Arthur Carvalho Walraven Da Cunha (UCA), thesis director, 2020-10 — 2023-09.
Francesco D'Amore (UCA), co-encadrant because prior to HDR, 2019-10 — 2022-10.
Emilio Cruciani (Gran Sasso Science Institute), co-supervisor, until 2016-10 — 2019-12.
Aakash Kumar (IISER Kolkata), remote MSc thesis supervision. 2024-08 — 2025-05. Project: "Phase transitions in Neural Networks".
Pierre Pereira, INRIA, pre-doctoral student, 2024-05 - 2024-08.
Maël Clergue (ENS Lyon), intern in the COATI Team. 2023-06 — 2023-08. Project: "Scientific Machine Learning for World Dynamics Modeling".
Aurora Rossi (Verona University, MSc student), intern in the COATI Team (also Erasmus scholarship). 2022-02 — 2022-07. Project: "Temporal Brain Networks: bridging Theory and Real Data".
Cyprien Michel-Deletie (ENS Lyon, ENS student), intern in the COATI Team, I3S Lab. Summer 2021. Project: "Null Processes for Computational Neuroscience".
Marcello Politi (Univ. of Rome "Tor Vergata", MSc student), MSc. in Informatics, also hosted as an intern in the COATI Team. Spring 2021.
Arno Gobbin, PFE at Polytech Nice Sophia (BSc student). 2019-20. Project: "Computational complexity of puzzles and games".
Hossein Baktash (Sharif Institute of Technology, BSc student), intern in the COATI Team, I3S Lab. Summer 2019. Project: "Compression of Artificial Neural Networks".
Paul Bastide (ENS Rennes, ENS student), intern in the COATI Team, I3S Lab. Spring 2019.
Iliad Ramezani (Sharif Institute of Technology, BSc student), intern at Max-Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarbrücken, during Summer 2018.
Emilio Cruciani (Gran Sasso Science Institute, PhD student), intern at Max-Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarbrücken, in Summer 2017.
Giacomo Scornavacca (Università degli Studi dell'Aquila, PhD student), intern at Max-Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarbrücken, in Summer 2017.
Niko Kleer (HTW Saar, BSc student), at Max-Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarbrücken. Thesis: Self-Stabilizing Broadcast with 1 Bit. Defended in 2017.
Best Italian Young Researcher in Theoretical Computer Science, awarded by the Italian Chapter of the EATCS.
I've been invited to attend the 6th Heidelberg Laureate Forum.
I've been awarded a fellowship of the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing, for the Brain and Computation Program.
My PhD thesis On the computational power of simple dynamics has been awarded the Best PhD Thesis in Theoretical Computer Science Award by the Italian Chapter of EATCS.
Outstanding PhD Student of Year 2015-2016 Award (ex-equo), awarded by the Computer Science PhD School of Sapienza University of Rome to the best PhD student(s) of the School.
The paper KADABRA is an ADaptive Algorithm for Betweenness via Random Approximation by Michele Borassi and me won the Best Student Paper (Track B) at ESA 2016. Our algorithm is included in version 5.0 of Networkit, a famous library for large-scale network analysis.
The paper Plurality Consensus in the Gossip Model (SODA '15) by L. Becchetti, A. Clementi, me, F. Pasquale, and R. Silvestri, won the Best Paper of the PhD School in CS at Sapienza 2015, with two other papers.
August 2015 - I've been granted a Progetti Avvio alla Ricerca Anno 2015, some grants from Sapienza University reserved to PhD students and postdocs.
September 2014 - I joined the group awarded the Italian MIUR-PRIN 2010-11 Project ARS TechnoMedia, coordinated by Alessandro Panconesi.
October 2013 - Awarded an Italian Government PhD Scholarship at Sapienza University of Rome.
2008 - 2013 - My bachelor's and master's studies were supported by LAZIODISU Scholarship - Agency for the Right to University Studies in the Lazio region.
BioSwarm Project - DGA (November 2024 – 2027) Principal investigator together with Olivier Simonin of a 4-year national research project on algorithms for coordination tasks in drone swarms, funded by the DGA (the French Government Defence procurement and technology agency).
BraInside Project - DGA (November 2019 – 2023) Principal investigator together with Laurent Viennot of a 4-year national research project on artificial neural networks, funded by the DGA (the French Government Defence procurement and technology agency).
ISIDE Project - University of Rome Tor Vergata (March 2018 - August 2019) External member of the ISIDE university-level project (funded by University of Rome Tor Vergata).
Sapienza "Progetti Avvio alla Ricerca Anno 2015" (August 2015 - August 2016) Progetti Avvio alla Ricerca Anno 2015 were small grants from Sapienza University reserved to PhD students and postdocs.
Member of the NeuroMod Institute for Modeling in Neuroscience and Cognition at UCA. 2024 - present.
Member of the "GameTable" COST Action CA22145. 2023 - 2027.
Workshop on Computational Aspects of Complex Networks (CACN 2024), University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy).
10th Workshop on Biological Distributed Algorithms (BDA 2024), Nantes (France).
20th Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science (ICTCS 2019), Como (Italy).
18th Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science (ICTCS 2017), Naples (Italy).
Workshop on Random Processes in Discrete Structures (2016), University of Warwick, Coventry (UK).
Since 2020, I am an associate editor of the WikiJournal of Science.
Together with David Coudert, I am an associate editor of the Journal of Experimental Algorithms for a special issue of SEA 2021.
Together with David Coudert, we are organizing SEA 2021 in Nice.
Steering committee member of the Symposium on Experimental Algorithms, 2022-2024.
AC = Area Chair, PC = Program Committee, CR = Conference Reviewer.
CR for NeurIPS'25,
AC for UAI'25,
CR for ICML'25,
PC for AAAI'25,
CR for NeurIPS'24
CR for ICML'24,
PC for AAAI'24,
CR for NeurIPS'23,
PC for UAI'23 (identified as Top Reviewer by the PC chairs),
CR for JuliaCon'23 (11 reviews),
PC for AAAI'23,
PC for AAAI'22,
PC for EURO-PAR'21
PC for SEA'21
PC for AAMAS'21,
PC for SPAA'19.
I have also served as a reviewer for the conferences STOC, SODA, SPAA, PODC, ICALP, CIAC, DISC, EURO-PAR, ICDCS, IPDPS, OPODIS, RS&A, SEA and SIROCCO, and for the journals Distributed Computing, PLOS One, JCSS, Computer Networks, Physics Letter A, ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing.
Reviewer of two MSc thesis for the MSc Modeling for Neuronal and Cognitive Systems at Université Côte d'Azur, 2024.
Jury member for the PhD scholarship selection of the Neuromod Institute, Université Côte d'Azur, 2024.
Project reviewer for the Idées 2024 call of the Académie d’Excellence Réseaux, Information et Société numérique of Université Côte d'Azur, January-February 2024.
Member of the ST6 Expert Panel (Computer science and informatics) of the National Science Centre of Poland, 2023.
Expert reviewer for the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), 2022.
Expert reviewer for the National Science Centre of Poland, 2021.
Internal member of the selection committee for the Maître de conférences position (associate professor equiv.) "MCF 27 749" at Université Côte d'Azure, 2021.
Member of the École Doctorale STIC (Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication) of Université Côte d'Azur, since 2024.
External member of University of Rome Tor Vergata's PhD School in Data Science, since 2023.
Member of Prokopchik Konstantin's PhD jury. Date of defense: March 24th 2023. Institution: GSSI (L'Aquila, Italy). Thesis title: Hypergraph-based Methods for Semi-Supervised Learning.
Member of Brieuc Guinard's PhD jury. Date of defense: November 4th 2020. Institution: IRIF (Paris). Thesis title: Intermittent Lévy Walks and applications to biological searches.
Member of the Stephan Friedrichs' PhD committee. Date of defense: September 11th 2017. Institution: Max Planck Institute for Informatics. Thesis title: Metastability-Containing Circuits, Parallel Distance Problems, and Terrain Guarding.
Spring 2018 - I've been organizing the Brain-related Computing Interest Group's meetings in the The Brain and Computation Program of the Simons Institute.
November 2015 - With Luca Becchetti, Andrea Clementi and Francesco Pasquale, I organized the second edition of the workshop Kolmogorov Meets Turing.
Together with Stefano Leucci and Luciano Gualà, I created the Complexity of Games Compendium.
In 2020, I led the initiative to sign an official agreement between Sharif University of Technology (SUT) and Université Côte d'Azur (UCA) in order to be able to offer a scholarship to selected SUT students for UCA's Ubinet master's program.
3IA Côte d'Azur Chair.
CNRS researcher (Chargé de Recherche) at the Université Côte d’Azur, in the joint Project-Team COATI between INRIA and I3S.
Visiting Professor at University of Rome "Tor Vergata".
Visiting Professor at University of Rome "Tor Vergata".
Visiting Professor at University of Rome "Tor Vergata".
Postdoc at Max Planck Institute for Informatics in Kurt Mehlhorn's Algorithms&Complexity Group.
Fellow of the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing (U.C. Berkeley) in the Brain and Computation Program.
2024. Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR) in Computer Science at Université Côte d'Azur.
2022. Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale, settore 01/B1 Informatica, II Fascia: I obtained the Italian qualification as associate professor in Informatics.
2013 - 2017. PhD in Computer Science at Sapienza Università di Roma, advised by Riccardo Silvestri and Andrea Clementi.
February 2011 - July 2013. Master's degree in Computer Science at Università di Roma Tor Vergata.
2008 - 2011. BSc. in Mathematics at Università di Roma Tor Vergata.
The following list is not exhaustive after September 2015 (and not updated anymore after October 2017).
October 2017. COST Action CA15140 Improving Applicability of Nature-Inspired Optimisation by Joining Theory and Practice (ImAppNIO), at UPMC.
July 2016. 4rd Workshop on Biological Distributed Algorithms, in Chicago (co-located with PODC'16).
September 2015. Cargèse fall school on random graphs, at IESC
August 2015. 3rd Workshop on Biological Distributed Algorithms, at MIT.
April 2015. Workshop Random Walks on Random Graphs and Applications, at EURANDOM.
August 2014. Summer School on Randomized Techniques for Combinatorial Algorithms, at Simon Fraser University.
September 2013. Fall School Phase Transition in Random Discrete Structures at Graz University of Technology.
August 2011. AILA Summer School in Logic, organized by the Associazione Italiana di Logica e sue Applicazioni.
September 2010. The Rome-Moscow School of Matrix Methods and Applied Linear Algebra, organized by Moscow State University, Institute of Numerical Mathematics INM-RAS and Università di Roma Tor Vergata
Mathematical Excalibur: 341 p.s. (published solution), 356 p.s., 364 p.s., 370 p.s.
Mathematical Reflections: u166 p.s., u172 p.s., u175 p.s., u179 p.s., u182 p.s., u185 p.s., u195 p.s.
Mathematics Magazine: m1846. Ponder This - IBM Research: December 2012, August 2013.